Two young North Korean gymnasts prepare for an unprecedented competition in this documentary that offers a rare look into the communist society and the daily lives of North Korean families. For more than eight months, film crews follow 13-year-old Pak Hyon Sun and 11-year-old Kim Song Yun and their families as the girls train for the Mass Games, a spectacular nationalist celebration.
A State of Mind (2004)
Genre: Documentary
Cast: Daniel Gordon, Hyon Sun Pak, Song Yun Kim, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-ho
Crew: Daniel Gordon, Daniel Gordon, Barnaby Taylor
Release: 2004-01-01
Budget: $6,279,060
Revenue: $83,288,439
Counselor: Adriana Kreiger
Rolling Machine Setter: Dorris Schamberger
Railroad Conductors: Giles Nader
Auditor: Mr. Dashawn Kuhn
Musician OR Singer: Deron O'Reilly DVM
Real Estate Broker: Prof. Lincoln Orn III
Veterinary Technician: Jimmie Schamberger
Tax Preparer: Neha Hansen
Retail Sales person: Daphnee Runolfsson I
Pump Operators: Jefferey Kautzer Sr.
Animal Scientist: Dr. Claudine Emard Sr.
Cast: Daniel Gordon, Hyon Sun Pak, Song Yun Kim, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-ho
Crew: Daniel Gordon, Daniel Gordon, Barnaby Taylor
Release: 2004-01-01
Budget: $6,279,060
Revenue: $83,288,439
Counselor: Adriana Kreiger
Rolling Machine Setter: Dorris Schamberger
Railroad Conductors: Giles Nader
Auditor: Mr. Dashawn Kuhn
Musician OR Singer: Deron O'Reilly DVM
Real Estate Broker: Prof. Lincoln Orn III
Veterinary Technician: Jimmie Schamberger
Tax Preparer: Neha Hansen
Retail Sales person: Daphnee Runolfsson I
Pump Operators: Jefferey Kautzer Sr.
Animal Scientist: Dr. Claudine Emard Sr.
Ben Carson calls poverty ‘a state of mind’ during interview.
State of Mind.
Surviving Weed-Out Classes in Science May Be a State of Mind.
What's Your State of Mind?.
May 19, 2017 ... Music video by Nas performing State of Mind (Audio). (C) 2017 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment ....
Nas - State of Mind (Audio).
A State of Mind is a 2004 documentary film directed by Daniel Gordon and produced by Nicholas Bonner. It follows two North Korean child gymnasts and their ....
May 24, 2017 ... "I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind. You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put ....
Mar 17, 2019 ... Functions are not the point If you go serverless because you love Lambda, you're doing it for the wrong reason. If you go serverless because ....
Housing Secretary Ben Carson Says Poverty Is A 'State Of Mind'.
COVID-19 Update: As of October 14, 2020 restaurants in Santa Clara County are allowed to reopen for indoor dining at 25% capacity. We have decided we are ....
Oct 31, 2014 ... Five ways to not be rational. · Rational. This is the gold standard, the middle of the road, the prefrontal lobes fully engaged. · Anxious. We all know ....
It means a child has a willing attitude and confidence in the process of learning: a healthy state of mind. How do families help their children gain this state of mind?.
Serverless is a State of Mind. The point is focus — that is the why of… | by Ben Kehoe | A Cloud Guru.
Readiness: Not a State of Knowledge, but a State of Mind | NAEYC.
Nov 16, 2020 ... Social ties to classmates and how students feel could be more important than innate ability when it comes to enduring early STEM courses..
People with the "right mind set" can pull themselves up, Carson said. Many conservatives and the Trump administration say cuts to government benefits could incentivize people to find work..
South as a State of Mind "Coexistence" issue (fall / winter 2019, issue #11) launches on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 19:30, at Fotagogos bookstore, Stoa ....
A State of Mind - Wikipedia
State of Mind.
Surviving Weed-Out Classes in Science May Be a State of Mind.
What's Your State of Mind?.
May 19, 2017 ... Music video by Nas performing State of Mind (Audio). (C) 2017 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment ....
Nas - State of Mind (Audio).
A State of Mind is a 2004 documentary film directed by Daniel Gordon and produced by Nicholas Bonner. It follows two North Korean child gymnasts and their ....
May 24, 2017 ... "I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind. You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put ....
Mar 17, 2019 ... Functions are not the point If you go serverless because you love Lambda, you're doing it for the wrong reason. If you go serverless because ....
Housing Secretary Ben Carson Says Poverty Is A 'State Of Mind'.
COVID-19 Update: As of October 14, 2020 restaurants in Santa Clara County are allowed to reopen for indoor dining at 25% capacity. We have decided we are ....
Oct 31, 2014 ... Five ways to not be rational. · Rational. This is the gold standard, the middle of the road, the prefrontal lobes fully engaged. · Anxious. We all know ....
It means a child has a willing attitude and confidence in the process of learning: a healthy state of mind. How do families help their children gain this state of mind?.
Serverless is a State of Mind. The point is focus — that is the why of… | by Ben Kehoe | A Cloud Guru.
Readiness: Not a State of Knowledge, but a State of Mind | NAEYC.
Nov 16, 2020 ... Social ties to classmates and how students feel could be more important than innate ability when it comes to enduring early STEM courses..
People with the "right mind set" can pull themselves up, Carson said. Many conservatives and the Trump administration say cuts to government benefits could incentivize people to find work..
South as a State of Mind "Coexistence" issue (fall / winter 2019, issue #11) launches on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 19:30, at Fotagogos bookstore, Stoa ....
A State of Mind - Wikipedia
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