This acclaimed documentary follows the story of six people who are determined to end the sufferings in Sudan's war-ravaged Darfur. The six - an American activist, an international prosecutor, a Sudanese rebel, a sheikh, a leader of the World Food Program and an internationally known actor - demonstrate the power of how one individual can create extraordinary changes.
Darfur Now (2007)
Genre: Crime, Documentary
Cast: Don Cheadle, Hejewa Adam, Adam Sterling, Ahmed Mahammed Abaka, Pablo Recalde
Crew: Kirsten Johnson, Ted Braun, Ted Braun
Release: 2007-09-09
Animal Husbandry Worker: Brown Kshlerin DVM
Glass Cutting Machine Operator: Soledad Greenholt MD
Budget: $8,726,811
Surveying Technician: Dr. Taurean Nienow
Purchasing Agent: Ruthe Wunsch
Mail Machine Operator: Kasandra Nikolaus III
Product Management Leader: Dr. Ismael Shields DVM
Counsil: Bethel Crona
Maid: Mr. Austin Kessler
Avionics Technician: Ludie Cummerata
Marketing Manager: Jake Erdman V
Insurance Claims Clerk: Lelah Heaney
Sales Manager: Abbigail Balistreri II
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeur: Eli Bashirian DDS
Revenue: $36,411,319
Landscape Artist: Karine O'Reilly
Cast: Don Cheadle, Hejewa Adam, Adam Sterling, Ahmed Mahammed Abaka, Pablo Recalde
Crew: Kirsten Johnson, Ted Braun, Ted Braun
Release: 2007-09-09
Animal Husbandry Worker: Brown Kshlerin DVM
Glass Cutting Machine Operator: Soledad Greenholt MD
Budget: $8,726,811
Surveying Technician: Dr. Taurean Nienow
Purchasing Agent: Ruthe Wunsch
Mail Machine Operator: Kasandra Nikolaus III
Product Management Leader: Dr. Ismael Shields DVM
Counsil: Bethel Crona
Maid: Mr. Austin Kessler
Avionics Technician: Ludie Cummerata
Marketing Manager: Jake Erdman V
Insurance Claims Clerk: Lelah Heaney
Sales Manager: Abbigail Balistreri II
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeur: Eli Bashirian DDS
Revenue: $36,411,319
Landscape Artist: Karine O'Reilly
Writerdirector Ted Braun “ Darfur Now ” tells the story of controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman an activist investor on a crusade to expose global nutritional giant Herbalife as the largest pyramid scheme in history.
Darfur Now Rent CAD 499 Overview System Requirements Reviews Related Available on HoloLens PC Mobile device Xbox 360 Description In this indepth documentary Academy Awardnominee Don Cheadle Hotel Rwanda Crash examines genocide in Sudans western region and takes a closer look at the consequences of the conflict between the Sudanese government sponsored militia group known as .
DARFUR NOW engages us to understand and learn the crisis in sudan from different perspectives from a celebrity a young college student people inside the administration to people being held in .
Darfur Now follows six people who have taken up the challenge to help stop the murder rape and displacement which the Fur Zaghawa and Masalit people of Darfur have suffered since 2003 One of those six is a movie star and it is to this film’s great credit that his work on Darfur is stitched seamlessly together with the others’ efforts Don Cheadle first became active in humanitarian .
Summary Darfur Now is a story of hope in the midst of one of humanitys darkest hoursa call to action for people everywhere to end the catastrophe unfolding in Darfur Sudan.
Darfur Now is solid but lacks any new substance We know people are active and while some of the people are interesting in the movie others are fairly boring Don Cheadle and the other guy from California bring nothing new to the table The other four stories are interesting but nothing ever happens to any of them.
Now now now And after seeing the stories of people working to make a difference in Darfur Sudan you���ll probably be moved to send money join a relief organization or .
Darfur Now is a 2007 documentary film examining the genocide in Darfur Sudan It was written and directed by Ted Braun and produced by Don Cheadle Mark Jonathan Harris and Cathy Schulman Executive Producers included Jeffrey Skoll Omar Amanat Dean Schramm Diane Weyermann and Matt Palmieri
Darfur Now Rent CAD 499 Overview System Requirements Reviews Related Available on HoloLens PC Mobile device Xbox 360 Description In this indepth documentary Academy Awardnominee Don Cheadle Hotel Rwanda Crash examines genocide in Sudans western region and takes a closer look at the consequences of the conflict between the Sudanese government sponsored militia group known as .
DARFUR NOW engages us to understand and learn the crisis in sudan from different perspectives from a celebrity a young college student people inside the administration to people being held in .
Darfur Now follows six people who have taken up the challenge to help stop the murder rape and displacement which the Fur Zaghawa and Masalit people of Darfur have suffered since 2003 One of those six is a movie star and it is to this film’s great credit that his work on Darfur is stitched seamlessly together with the others’ efforts Don Cheadle first became active in humanitarian .
Summary Darfur Now is a story of hope in the midst of one of humanitys darkest hoursa call to action for people everywhere to end the catastrophe unfolding in Darfur Sudan.
Darfur Now is solid but lacks any new substance We know people are active and while some of the people are interesting in the movie others are fairly boring Don Cheadle and the other guy from California bring nothing new to the table The other four stories are interesting but nothing ever happens to any of them.
Now now now And after seeing the stories of people working to make a difference in Darfur Sudan you���ll probably be moved to send money join a relief organization or .
Darfur Now is a 2007 documentary film examining the genocide in Darfur Sudan It was written and directed by Ted Braun and produced by Don Cheadle Mark Jonathan Harris and Cathy Schulman Executive Producers included Jeffrey Skoll Omar Amanat Dean Schramm Diane Weyermann and Matt Palmieri
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